Monday, November 21, 2011

As I write this I have a beautiful baby girl sleeping in her crib 3 feet from me.  Our gottcha day was different than I expected.  We didn't think there would be very many at Civil Affairs Office to get their babies but we were wrong.  There were 16 families there! So there was a lot of noise & crying babies which made it hard for AubriAnna.  She cried a good bit every time we tried to take her or everytime she saw her Grandma nanny. 

It was hard for her grandma nanny as well.  She has been main care giver for her since she was 2 months old.  She had put together a memory book for AubriAnna over the last year and she wrote a letter to her & put it in the back of the book.  Our guide is going to help us to get it translated.  So sweet that I wanted to cry for her grandma nanny.  You could tell she really loves her. 

We thought we would get to civil affair office & they would bring AubriAnna in, but as soon as we walked in & turned the corner of a huge divider screen she was there!  We weren't able to get much video because it was so packed & caotic.  We got our family picture made by civil affair & I can't tell you what it must look like! LOL She was definitely crying!  Once people started leaving & it got quiet, she calmed down.  She doesn't feel well either.  She was running hi fever last night & they had to take her to hospital.  They had to give her drops of medicine near her temple.  She's pretty bruised up. 

We brought her back to hotel & fed her a banana.  She took a little water & even laughed once for her silly baba (Jimmy) when he was playing peek a boo with her.  We put her in her crib and she fought sleep but finally gave in & is napping now.  Please say a prayer for her that her fever will go away & she'll feel better soon.  We've got a lot to do over next 2 weeks. 

She is a beautiful little angel sleeping so peacefully right now.  I've kissed her chubby lil cheeks a hundred times already!  So thankful to God for giving us this priviledge!  Jimmy & I have giggled & just watched her sleeping.  Truely amazing gift this precious little girl is to us!  Our lives are forever changed & we wouldn't go back for anything in this world! 

Flight to Nanjing City
 Going to do a little shopping before "Gottcha".  And this not like any Wal Mart you've ever been to before!  Not really sure how many levels there were!
 Right after meeting AubriAnna & her grandma nanny!
 Holding her for the 1st time!
 Calming down after most everybody had left.

 After eating a banana & getting a little more comfy!
 Can already tell she's gonna be a daddy's girl! She was fighting sleep and baba rubbing her head didn't help!
 One of the 1st 5 star hotels built in Nanjing City.

There is a superstore (grocery store) in this alley. Took pic from our hotel room window.  Went there today to get some bottle water, cookies & things for AubriAnna.


  1. Are you making these 3 mistakes when putting your baby to rest? [STOP!]

    Dear Reader,

    When was the last time your baby slept through the night... or fell asleep when you needed him to?

    Maybe you’ve tried all kinds of “tricks” and gimmicks just to have your little one wake you up 5 times a night.

    Then you'll definitely want to hear this...

    Scientists from the Stanford Sleep Lab recently released an eye-opening report on 3 common mistakes parents make that make it almost impossible for your child to sleep...

    And you're probably guilty of the #1 culprit right now...

    Click here ===> 27-second trick INSTANTLY puts babies to rest and helps them sleep through the night <=== <<<
